Manish Sisodia, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), has said that the BJP planned to assassinate Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in order to avoid losing the Gujarat elections and the MCD elections in Delhi. He also charged BJP leader Manoj Tiwari with taking part in the purported plot.
Sisodia tweeted that the BJP was plotting to murder Arvind Kejriwal because they are afraid of losing the elections in Gujarat and the MCD. He also said that Manoj Tiwari is all set to order his thugs to attack Arvind Kejriwal.
After BJP MP Manoj Tiwari expressed concerns about Arvind Kejriwal’s security. Tiwari further emphasised the “selling of tickets” in the MCD elections and accused corruption in the Delhi government.
Accusations are flying fast and thick between the AAP and BJP as they square off over the MCD elections in Delhi and the Gujarat assembly polls.