How to change/modify Time zone in Meta (Facebook and Instagram) Ad Accounts

Change Time Zone in meta Facebook Ad Account

Facebook and Instagram are very popular advertising platforms for reaching an audience quickly and with a minimal budget. While managing these platforms, we sometimes encounter various difficulties. Keeping this in mind, I am sharing a similar problem statement as suggested in the title while managing Ads. Instead of searching all over, I am providing the direct steps to find the solution.

Problem Statement: how to modify the time zone in Meta/Facebook Ad account?
Solution: Steps Below

  1. There are two type of Ad account based on payment setting
    a. Post Paid Accounts: Invoicing Accounts (Not Possible to change the Time zone as Invoicing process documents defined the time zone)
    b. Pre-Paid Accounts: Where Credit Card or country local sources(Like Paytm in India) are used as a Payment Source.
  2. Login into Your Business Manager
  3. Click Ad Account
  4. In Left Column Click and Open Billing and payments
  5. After that On Top Left Click on Accounts
  6. You will get the list of Ad Accounts
  7. In case there is no payment due you will get option of View Details Click on that else there will be 3 dots click on that you will further get an options of view details
  8. After Clicking on View Details Page will open and in bottom of that page You will find Business info
  9. In Business info section right top click on Edit
  10. After that a Business info Pop Up will open and in that there is Time zone option