Amazon on Using Artificial Intelligence to Replace Human resource Department

Amazon On Using Artificial Intelligence

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered both how we communicate and conduct business. To a degree, unthinkable in the twenty-first century, nearly all industries were required to conduct business from home by the beginning of 2020.

Naturally, it encouraged businesses to think creatively and develop strategies for retaining and acquiring talent. There have been numerous discussions regarding the use of AI in the Human Resource Department (HRD) to find the best candidates and monitor employees’ wellbeing.

Even though that future is still a pipe dream, some people are looking for ways to improve their human resources division, particularly in this hybrid workplace.

India Today Tech while speaking to Deepti Verma, Vice President of People and Experience Technology at Amazon Stores India and EM found out what Amazon thinks of using artificial intelligence in human resources department of Amazon.

A few highlights of what Deepti Verma said include:

  • The use of a significant amount of AI at Amazon and also use of substantial number of automated hiring tools. In fact, Amazon is currently experimenting with “no see hire” in the US, which entails looking at hiring people for technical roles based on some of the simulations that Amazon has produced.
  • Because Amazon always start with the needs of the customer, the technology employed should be straightforward, scalable, and have a positive candidate experience. However, it should also be an enabler rather than something on which Amazon can rely primarily.
  • Amazon introduced a project called Alexa onboarding. And Alexa would answer a lot of questions. People wanted to know how to navigate the first 30 days of working at Amazon because they wanted to grasp the culture of the company.
  • During COVID, Amazon made a significant amount of hires from campus. It developed a programme dubbed “Amazon Wow” in an effort to hire through technology.